BlackBerry Enterprise Identity is an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) product that BlackBerry customers can use to federate identities for SaaS services that they may use. If you offer customers a SaaS service, Enterprise Identity can allow them to tie user identities in your service to those in their existing directories, authenticate those identities using advanced policies, and control user entitlement to your service.
Enterprise Identity supports the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) v2.0 standard. If your SaaS service provides SAML support, it’s easy to link it into Enterprise Identity and take advantage of its features in minutes. Learn how in the next steps of this Get Started. By validating your SaaS service works with BlackBerry Enterprise Identity and BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Manager (UEM), you provide BlackBerry users with convenient login and BlackBerry admins with greater control and easier management of your service.