BlackBerry Developer

Prepare for Android development on a Mac

Take Action Now so You Can Develop at the Developer Event

We'll dive right into hands-on development at the Developer Event with no time allocated for environment set-up. Please perform the steps below prior to your event so you are all ready to go on the day of the event.

We encourage you to ask questions and share what you are learning with others! Just scroll down and post your questions, documents and videos in the discussion forum.

Step Action
1. Installing Java
2. Installing Android Studio
3. Configuring Android Studio
  • Start Android Studio
  • Click Open when ask if you are sure you want to open an application downloaded from the Internet
  • Select whether you want to import settings from a custom location or go with not wanting to import settings and click OK
  • Click NEXT on the Welcome screen
  • Choose the Standard install type and click Next
  • Verify the settings on the following screen and click Finish
  • Once all the components are downloaded you will be able to click Finish
  • Click Start a new Android Studio project
  • On the next screen you can configure some of your project details or for this just leave the defaults after which click Next
  • On the next screen ensure Phone and Tablet is checked and change its Minimum SDK selection to API 26: Android 8.0 (Oreo) and then click Next
  • After the components install click Next
  • Choose Basic Activity and click Next
  • No need to customize the activity for this item so just click Finish.
  • Click on SDK Manager in toolbar (or Tools menu, Android, SDK Manager)
  • Check off Android 8 (Oreo), click OK
  • If prompted to confirm the installation of any dependencies click OK
  • Accept the license agreement and click Next
  • After the components install click Finish
4. Configuring an Android Emulator
  • In Android Studio click on AVD Manager in toolbar (or Tools menu, Android, AVD Manager)
  • Click Create Virtual Device...
  • Choose Pixel and click Next
  • Choose Download beside Oreo with API Level 26 for x86 and click Next
  • After the components install click Next
  • Click Finish on the Verify Configuration page
5. Verifying Android Configuration
  • In Android Studio, with sample open from step 3
  • Click on the green Run App button in the toolbar
  • Select the Pixel API 26 virtual device and click OK
  • Application should run within the Android Emulator configured in step 4.
6. Installing BlackBerry Dynamics SDK
  • Follow the steps in the BlackBerry Dynamics getting started page to install the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android: Get Started
  • The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK will be installed into one of the following directories:
    • Windows: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\ Android\sdk\extras\blackberry\dynamics_sdk
    • Mac: /Users/[username]/Library/Android/sdk/sdk/extras/blackberry/dynamics_sdk
7. Verifying BlackBerry Dynamics SDK Installation
  • Open sample included in BlackBerry Dynamics SDK in Android Studio: Your_Installation_Directory/sdk/samples/ApacheHttp
  • Choose "Remind me later" if prompted to update
  • Click on the green Run App button in the toolbar
  • Choose to run in Android Emulator created in step 4
  • Sample should start in emulator and prompt for an email address and access key
8. Next Steps
  • If you are doing only Android Native development you are now ready to do mobile development at the event.
  • If your are doing Android development for Cordova or Xamarin please return to the page from which you were directed here in order to complete the remainder of the steps needed for these development environments